#compdef sheet-parser arguments=( '(--file)-f=[Path to charactersheet]:character sheet:_files -g "*.(json)(-.)"' '(-f)--file=[Path to charactersheet]:character sheet:_files -g "*.(json)(-.)"' '(--save --stat --verbose)-v[To be used in conjuction with list parameters]' '(--save --stat -v)--verbose[To be used in conjuction with list parameters]' '(--skill --stat --save --advantage --disadvantage --skill-list --stat-list)--stat-list[List stats found in file]' '(--skill --stat --save --advantage --disadvantage --skill-list --stat-list)--skill-list[List skills found in file]' '(--advantage --disadvantage)--advantage[Roll with advantage]' '(--advantage --disadvantage)--disadvantage[Roll with disadvantage]' '(--skill --save --stat --skill-list --stat-list -v --verbose)--stat[Roll a stat check]:stat to roll:(strength dexterity constitution intelligence wisdom charisma)' '(--skill --save --stat --skill-list --stat-list -v --verbose)--save[Roll a saving throw]:stat to roll:(strength dexterity constitution intelligence wisdom charisma)' '(--skill --save --stat --skill-list --stat-list -v --verbose)--skill[Roll a skill check]:stat to roll:(athletics acrobatics sleight_of_hand stealth arcana history investigation nature religion animal_handling insight medicine perception survival deception intimidation performance persuasion)' ) _arguments : $arguments