module DND.Bob (bob) where import DND.Sheet.Content bob :: Character bob = Character { skills = testSkills , trivia = testTrivia , stats = testStats , spells = Just testSpells , preamble = testPreamble , feats = Just testFeatures } testStats :: [Stat] testStats = [strStat, dexStat, conStat, intStat, wisStat, chaStat] testPreamble :: Preamble testPreamble = Preamble { charLevel = 1 , charName = "Bob" , charRace = "Elf" , charClass = "Fighter" , jackOfAllTrades = False } testTrivia :: Trivia testTrivia = Trivia "farmer" "none" "I me likey fun things" "yay" "all" "idk" strStat :: Stat strStat = Stat "Strength" 10 False strSkills :: [Skill] strSkills = [ Skill "Athletics" None "Strength" ] dexStat :: Stat dexStat = Stat "Dexterity" 10 False dexSkills :: [Skill] dexSkills = [ Skill "Acrobatics" None "Dexterity" , Skill "Sleight of Hand" None "Dexterity" , Skill "Stealth" None "Dexterity" ] conStat :: Stat conStat = Stat "Constitution" 10 False intStat :: Stat intStat = Stat "Intelligence" 10 False intSkills :: [Skill] intSkills = [ Skill "Arcana" None "Intelligence" , Skill "History" None "Intelligence" , Skill "Investigation" None "Intelligence" , Skill "Nature" None "Intelligence" , Skill "Religion" None "Intelligence" ] wisStat :: Stat wisStat = Stat "Wisdom" 20 True wisSkills :: [Skill] wisSkills = [ Skill "Animal Handling" Proficient "Wisdom" , Skill "Insight" Expertise "Wisdom" , Skill "Medicine" None "Wisdom" , Skill "Perception" None "Wisdom" , Skill "Survival" None "Wisdom" ] chaStat :: Stat chaStat = Stat "Charisma" 10 False chaSkills :: [Skill] chaSkills = [ Skill "Deception" None "Charisma" , Skill "Intimidation" None "Charisma" , Skill "Performance" None "Charisma" , Skill "Persuasion" None "Charisma" ] testSkills :: [Skill] testSkills = strSkills ++ dexSkills ++ intSkills ++ wisSkills ++ chaSkills testSpells :: [Spell] testSpells = [ Spell { spellName = "Firetesticle" , spellLevel = 3 , castingTime = "3 Minutes" , range = 50 , components = [Verbal, Somatic] , duration = "Instant" , attackSave = "Dexterity" , damageEffect = "Fire" , description = "Shoots a huge testicle shaped fireball" , school = "Conjuration" , atHighLevel = "Cast more of the sodding things" } ] testFeatures :: [Feature] testFeatures = [ Roleplay FeatInfo { featName = "fiets", featDescription = "allows you to ride a 'fiets'" } ]