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% Rezume, a latex resume template for developers
% Author : Nanu Panchamurthy
% Based off of: https://github.com/sb2nov/resume
% License : MIT
% Hope this resume template helps you land an awesome job. If you found this helpful, please consider starring the github repo here, .
\usepackage{verbatim} % reimplements the "verbatim" and "verbatim*" environments
\usepackage{titlesec} % provides an interface to sectioning commands i.e. custom elements
\usepackage{color} % provides both foreground and background color management
\usepackage{enumitem} % provides control over enumerate, itemize and description
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % provides extensive facilities for constructing headers, footers and also controlling their use
\usepackage{tabularx} % defines an environment tabularx, extension of "tabular" with an extra designator x, paragraph like column whose width automatically expands to fill the width of the environment
\usepackage{latexsym} % provides mathematical symbols
\usepackage{marvosym} % provides martin vogel's symbol font which contains various symbols
\usepackage[empty]{fullpage} % sets margins to one inch and removes headers, footers etc..
\usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} % removes color and shadow of hyperlinks
\usepackage[normalem]{ulem} % provides "\ul" (uline) command which will break at line breaks
\usepackage[english]{babel} % provides culturally determined typographical rules for wide range of languages
\input glyphtounicode % converts glyph names to unicode
\pdfgentounicode=1 % ensures pdfs generated are ats readable
%----------FONT OPTIONS-------------------
\usepackage[default]{sourcesanspro} % uses the font source sans pro
\urlstyle{same} % changes url font from default urlfont to font being used by the document
%----------MARGIN OPTIONS-----------------
\pagestyle{fancy} % set page style to one configured by fancyhdr
\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields
\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0in} % sets thickness of linerule under header to zero
\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0in} % sets thickness of linerule over footer to zero
\setlength{\tabcolsep}{0in} % sets thickness of column separator in tables to zero
% origin of the document is one inch from the top and from and the left
% oddsidemargin and evensidemargin both refer to the left margin
% right margin is indirectly set using oddsidemargin
\addtolength{\textwidth}{1.0in} % sets width of text area in the page to one inch
\addtolength{\textheight}{1.0in} % sets height of text area in the page to one inch
\raggedbottom{} % makes all pages the height of current page, no extra vertical space added
\raggedright{} % makes all pages the width of current page, no extra horizontal space added
%--------SECTIONING COMMANDS---------
% \titleformat{<command>}
% [<shape>]{<format>}{<label>}{<sep>}
% {<before-code>}[<after-code>]
% command is the sectioning command to be redefined
% shape is the style of the font; scshape stands for small caps style
% format is the format to be applied to whole title- label and text; absent here
% label defines the label
% sep is the horizontal separation between label and title body
% before-code is the code to be executed before
% after-code is the code to be executed after
% redefines the style of the bullet point
% redefines the underline depth to 2pt
%--------CUSTOM COMMANDS--------------
%\vspace{} defines a vertical space of given size, modifying this in custom commands can help stretch or shrink resume to remove or add content
% resumeItem renders a bullet point
% commands to start and end itemization of resumeItem, rightmargin set to 0.11in to avoid the overflow of resumetItem beyond whatever resumeItemHeading is being used
% resumeSectionType renders a bolded type to be used under a section, used as skill type here, middle element is used to keep ":"s in the same vertical line
\textbf{#1} & #2 & #3
% resumeTrioHeading renders three elements in three columns with second element being italicized and first element bolded, can be used for projects with three elements
\textbf{#1} & \textit{#2} & #3
% resumeQuadHeading renders four elements in a two columns with the second row being italicized and first element of first row bolded, can be used for experience and projects with four elements
\textbf{#1} & #2 \\
\textit{\small#3} & \textit{\small #4} \\
% resumeQuadHeadingChild renders the second row of resumeQuadHeading, can be used for experience if different roles in the same company need to added
\textbf{\small#1} & {\small#2} \\
% commands to start and end itemization of resumeQuadHeading, lefmargin for left indent of 0.15in for resumeItems
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]
% You can rearrange sections in any order you may prefer
%-----------CONTACT DETAILS------------------
% Make sure all the details are correct, you can add more links in the first row of second column if needed
\textbf{\Huge Jane Doe \vspace{2pt}} & % row = 1, col = 1
Location: Anycity, Anystate, Anycountry \\ % row = 1, col = 2
\href{https://jane-doe.com}{\uline{jane-doe.com}} $|$ % row = 2, col = 1
\href{https://linkedin.com/in/jane-doe}{\uline{LinkedIn}} $|$ % row = 2, col = 1
\href{https://github.com/jane-doe}{\uline{GitHub}} $|$ % row = 2, col = 1
\href{https://leetcode.com/jane-doe}{\uline{Leetcode}} & % row = 2, col = 1
Email: \href{mailto:jane.doe@anymail.com}{\uline{jane.doe@anymail.com}} $|$ % row = 2, col = 2
Mobile: 5555555555 \\ % row = 2, col = 2
% Keep this short, simple and straigth to point
\section{Full Stack Developer}
I am a highly skilled web developer with over \textbf{3 years of experience} in \textbf{HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP}. I have knowledge of popular frameworks such as \textbf{React, Angular, and Vue.js} and experience with REST APIs and MVC frameworks.
% Add or remove resumeSectionTypes according to your needs
\section{Technical Skills}
\resumeSectionType{Languages}{:}{JavaScript, PHP, Java, HTML, CSS}
\resumeSectionType{Frameworks}{:}{React.js, Angular, Express, Node.js}
\resumeSectionType{Libraries}{:}{Material, Redux, React Router}
\resumeSectionType{Databases}{:}{MongoDB, PostgreSQL}
\resumeSectionType{Dev Tools}{:}{Visual Studio Code, Git, Gitlab}
% Distill all your talking points to small bullet points which follow the pattern "challenge-action-result" for maximum efficiency. Try to quantify (use numbers) your points whenver possible, highlist words of importance
\resumeQuadHeading{Web Developer}{Apr 2022 -- Present}
{Anycompany}{Remote -- AnyCity, Anystate, Anycountry}
\resumeItem{Designed and developed dynamic and responsive websites using \textbf{HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP}}
\resumeItem{Worked with \textbf{REST APIs} to retrieve and display data from databases}
\resumeItem{Improved \textbf{website performance} and speed through optimization techniques by \textbf{55\%}}
\resumeQuadHeading{Backend Developer}{Aug 2021 -- Nov 2022}
{Anycompany}{Anycity, Anystate, Anycountry}
\resumeItem{Worked with \textbf{MVC frameworks} to develop robust and scalable backends}
\resumeItem{Troubleshot and \textbf{fixed bugs} and issues in the backend to ensure \textbf{smooth operation} of the applications}
\resumeQuadHeadingChild{Backend Developer Intern}{Jan 2021 -- Aug 2021}
\resumeItem{Assisted senior web developers in the design and development of websites using \textbf{HTML, CSS, and JavaScript}}
% Mention your CGPA, if its good, in the first row of second column
\resumeQuadHeading{University of Anystate}{Anycity, Anystate, Anycountry}
{Bachelor of Science in Computer Science}{Jan 2016 -- Dec 2020}
% Use resumeQuadHeading if four elements are feasible (ex: demo video link), else use resumeTrioHeading. Keep the bullet points simple and concise and try to cover wide variety of skills you have used to build these projects
\resumeTrioHeading{\href{https://project1.com}{\uline{Project 1}}}{React.js, Redux, PHP, MySQL Git}{\href{https://proect1.com/source-code/}{\uline{Source Code}}}
\resumeItem{Designed and developed a clean and modern website using \textbf{HTML, CSS, and JavaScript}}
\resumeItem{Optimized website for \textbf{speed and user experience}}
\resumeItem{Utilized \textbf{responsive design} to ensure compatibility across all devices}
\resumeItem{Deployed on GitHub pages via GitHub Actions}
\resumeTrioHeading{Project 2}{Node.js, Express, JavaScript, Git}{\href{https:project2.com/source-code}{\uline{Source Code}}}
\resumeItem{A \textbf{CRUD application} exposed using a RESTful API made with Node.js}
\resumeItem{Exposed POST, GET, PATCH and DELETE HTTP methods using \textbf{Express}}
% You can add your acheivements, accolades, certifications etc. here.
\resumeItem{\href{https://dummy-certification.com}{\uline{Certified Web Developer by the W3C}}}
\resumeItem{\href{https://dummy-certification.com}{\uline{Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate}}}
\resumeItem{\href{https://dummy-certification.com}{\uline{AWS Certified Developer - Associate}}}