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Start of actual CV

This commit is contained in:
Nox Sluijtman 2023-03-07 16:46:24 +01:00
parent 4f71a8f44a
commit 1bb6d460e5
3 changed files with 774 additions and 7 deletions

View file

@ -1,12 +1,145 @@
%% {{{ Preamble
%% {{{ Packages
\author{Marty Sluijtman}
\title{On the Wonders of Bikes}
%% }}}
%% {{{ Customisation
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% {{{ Margin
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% origin of the document is one inch from the top and from and the left
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% redefines the underline depth to 2pt
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%% {{{ Macros
\newcommand{\btpp}{ \begin{tabular}{p{3.5cm}@{\hspace{0.1cm}}p{13.4cm}} }
\newcommand{\etpp}{ \end{tabular} }
\textbf{#1} & #2 & #3
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=.5cm, label={}]
%% }}}
%% }}}
\textbf{\Large Curiculum Vitae}
\textbf{\Huge Marty Sluijtman \vspace{2pt}} &
Location: Tilburg, Noord Brabant, The Netherlands \\
& Date of Birth: 2001-6-13\\
\href{https://voidcruiser.nl}{\uline{voidcruiser.nl}} $|$
\href{https://docs.antimattercloud.nl}{\uline{docs.antimattercloud.nl}} \\
\href{https://gitlab.com/EternalWanderer}{\uline{GitLab}} &
Email: \href{mailto:marty.wanderer@disroot.org}{\uline{marty.wanderer@disroot.org}} \\
2019-2023 & \textbf{SiNTLUCAS - Game development}
Here I learned the basics of C\# and the Unity Game engine. During this time I also
discovered my passion for Linux; teaching myself the basics of Linux systems administration
in my free time.
\section{Work Experience}
May 2022 - March 2023 & \textbf{Internship at Tilburg University under LIS UNIX Infra}.
Worked on the management of 300 Debian GNU/Linux servers; wrote a set of tools to
ensure the relevancy of the backups.\\
\resumeSectionType{Programming}{$::$}{Go, Haskell, C\#}
\resumeSectionType{Scripting}{$::$}{POSIX Shell, Nix}
\resumeSectionType{Markup}{$::$}{Graphviz/Dot, CommonMark, \LaTeX{}, HTML, CSS}
\resumeSectionType{Misc}{$::$}{GNU Make}
In my free time since SiNTLUCAS I picked up Go and Haskell because both languages seemed interesting to
me. I wrote several projects in either language.
\section{Hobby Projects}
I have an internet radio playing music 24/7 with a publicly available frontend.
It makes use of MPD to play the music; Icecast2 to manage the stream and
buffering; and Nginx manages the reverse proxy to
\subsection{Personal Websites}
I host two personal websites generated using the Hugo static site generator.

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@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
%% git.mdcc.cx ad1810-www/mdcc.cx/joostvb/cv
% http://www-h.eng.cam.ac.uk/help/tpl/textprocessing/teTeX/latex/latex2e-html/ltx-2.html
%% a4 is 210x297mm, see Goossens p 86
%% 1in = 2.54cm = 72.27 pt (Lamport, p 93)
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%% 29.7cm - \footskip - 2*\topmargin = 29.7 - 1.27 - 4
\setlength{\textwidth}{17cm} % 21cm-2*\oddsidemargin
%vr 29 15:36 < joostvb> hoe zeg je in LaTeX: "May 2007" waarbij je wilt dat die
% 2 woorden altijd op 1 regel blijven?
%vr 29 15:36 < joostvb> Fruit: weet jij dat?
%vr 29 15:36 < joostvb> \mbox oid?
%vr 29 15:38 < Fruit> ja.
%vr 29 15:38 < Fruit> gebruikelijkier is May~2007
%vr 29 15:40 < joostvb> hrm, nou breekt ie _nog_ kutterder af
%vr 29 15:42 < joostvb> \mbox maakt er iets van wat net ietsje minder ranzig is
%vr 29 15:42 < joostvb> maar t ziet er ook niet uit
%% should sum to \textwidth, lamport p 85: max 75 tekens op een regel
% \newcommand{\btpp}{ \begin{tabular}{@{}p{3.39cm}@{\hspace{0.1cm}}p{13.51cm}@{}} }
%vr 29 15:51 <Fruit> p{3.39cm}
%vr 29 15:51 <joostvb> a!
%vr 29 15:51 <Fruit> dat getal zou ik ophogen
%vr 29 16:00 <Fruit> {\bf foo} wordt \textbf{foo}
\newcommand{\btpp}{ \begin{tabular}{p{3.5cm}@{\hspace{0.1cm}}p{13.4cm}} }
% \newcommand{\btpp}{ \begin{tabular}{p{3.39cm}@{\hspace{0.1cm}}p{13.51cm}} }
% \newcommand{\btpp}{ \begin{tabular}{l@{\hspace{\fill}}p{13.51cm}} }
\newcommand{\etpp}{ \end{tabular} }
\textbf{Curriculum Vitae}
\textbf{Personal Details}
name & Joost Erik van Baal-Ili\'c\\
sex & male\\
date, place of birth & 1970, The Netherlands\\
%% date of birth & 29 april 1970\\
%%place of birth & Aarle-Rixtel, The Netherlands\\
%%place of birth & XXXXXXXX, The Netherlands\\
%% address & Strijpsestraat XXX \\
%% address & XXXXXXXXXXXX XX\\
address & Eindhoven, The Netherlands\\
%% & XXXX XX Eindhoven\\
%% & 5616 GR Eindhoven\\
%% & The Netherlands\\
%% phone & +31-40-2575328\\
%%phone & XXXXXXXXX\\
e-mail & joostvb-cv-CLC5io7@mdcc.cx\\
im & irc: joostvb at OFTC and freenode\\
www & \url{http://mdcc.cx/}\\
%1982 - 1985 & Sint Willibrord Gymnasium, Deurne.\\
%1985 - 1988 & Rijksscholengemeenschap Jan van Brabant (Atheneum),
% Helmond; graduated June 1988.\\
1988 - 1996 & Technical University Eindhoven, mathematics; graduated
August 1996, master's thesis
on functional analysis.\\
1996 - 1997 & Technical University Eindhoven, Centrum Universitaire
Lerarenopleiding, course for high school Math teachers.\\
Attended courses on the C, C++ and Python programming languages, and on the
sendmail and DNS internet services; visited conferences on the UNIX operating
Driver's license; fluent in English: IELTS Band Score 8 (i.e. Very good user),
tested January 2009; read French and German.
% Driver's license; fluent in English: International English Language Testing
Nov 1997 - Jan 1998 & Developing math tests for fresh Eindhoven University
math students, on a free lance basis for the {\sc riaca}
research institute.\\
Feb 1998 - Oct 2000 & Working as an SMTP email Engineer for Origin (now Atos).
Maintenance on global SMTP email networks.
Development and maintenance of an automated reporting
system. Developing software tools and interactive webpages
for the SMTP team.\\
May 2000 - Feb 2003 & Working as a senior software developer for the LogReport
foundation. Developing software and managing an
international team of developers. Involved in both
programming and architectural design. Leading the
development of Lire, an Open Source suite of Perl and shell
scripts for log file analysis and reporting. Presenting
the project at various conferences, by giving lectures and
publishing articles in proceedings. Stimulating
involvement of the Open Source community in the LogReport
project, e.g.\ by being visible on mailing lists. System
management of the LogReport server.
Furthermore: Recruitment for the developers team.
Representing the developers team for the foundations'
board, giving account to the board for the developments
within the team and the project.
Nov 2002 - current & Working as a Unix system administrator for the Tilburg
University (UvT). With 4 other sysadmins responsible for
maintaining more than 150 (as of February 2012) Debian
GNU/Linux and Red Hat Linux systems, delivering the central
IT infrastructure for the university. Introduced
configuration file management system (SVN with caspar).
Migrated infrastructure from Red Hat Linux and Solaris to
Debian. Administering mail servers: Postfix, SpamAssassin
with Bayesian engine, AMaViS virusfiltering; 40,000 local
email adresses, 100,000 emails delivered per day (as of
Nov 2007). Administering a few Apache webservers.
Introduced Nagios monitoring and alerting system.
Administering a Mailman server, running about 250 lists.
Administering an Open Source Collaboration server,
\url{http://non-gnu.uvt.nl/}, which hosts a few Free
Software projects and offers Mailman and
Subversion. Administering a test and production server for
20 in-house PHP webapplications (with Oracle database
client): a main part of the UvT IT infrastructure. Planning
and performing several major Operating System upgrades of
critical UvT servers (central DNS\@, LDAP and SMTP servers).
This was done in place, with only very minimal user impact
or downtime, using the heartbeat failover system. Set up an
apt-able software distribution archive, so that local
modifications to Debian packages can get easily distributed
to the UvT Debian servers. Packaging software: for system
management, from external parties, as well as in-house
developed software. See below. Member of UvT-CERT team
(abuse@uvt.nl) (Nov 2002 -- Mar 2007). Helped bootstrap
the team, set up infrastructure. Recruiting new system
Jul 2008 - current & Owner of \url{http://ad1810.com/}, delivering software,
design and administration of IT systems as well as
ad1810 focusses on Software Packaging, Open Source, Debian
GNU/Linux, Ubuntu, System Administration, Customizing Linux
Distributions, Linux, Unix, Email and DNS network
Particularly, projects for public administration and
research institutions have been completed. These involved setting up a GNU
build toolchain, analysis of webserver log files, as well as software
In 2011, a project involving packaging scientific software for language
technology has been completed for the Tilburg center for Cognition and
Communication. The software now is integrated in the Debian GNU/Linux
distribution, in Ubuntu Linux, Fedora Linux as well as in Mac OSX. This eases
finding and installing this software, and invites external contributors to
enhance the software. Proper care has been taken to hand over maintenance to
TiCC employees by supplying documentation and organising a workshop. See also
the press announcement at
For another customer, active in small telemetry, security and domotica devices,
the software stack for all platforms has been consolidated to one setup, using
Debian's multistrap infrastructure. This yielded massive scaling benefits.
Packages for Debian & Most of the packages I've maintained for the Debian
distribution are listed at
%Apart from the packages listed at , I have maintained mcl
% (Oct 2001 -- Nov 2007), autobook (Jul 2002 -- Jun 2004),
% manpages-nl (Jan 2001 -- Dec 2002) and blackened
% (Jul 2000 -- May 2002).\\
%% FIXME manpages-nl: http://bugs.debian.org/174178
%% http://snapshot.debian.net/package/blackened
%% http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=175101
%% freitag:/var/www/non-gnu.uvt.nl/debian/squeeze nfsen amavisd-new cocoon libdbd-oracle-perl php5
%% en ilk/ticc stuff
In-house software & In Sep 2006, autoconfiscated a Tilburg University project
consisting of 2.4 MB
of C and C++ source code. The software project started in
1999, some 20 developers have been working on the code
during its lifetime. After converting the software's
own build system, a 900 k tarball with "./configure" and
"Makefile.in" was produced, greatly improving both
maintainability and flexibility.\\
Mailman patch & For SURFnet, Tilburg University and the NLnet
Foundation, wrote a patch for GNU Mailman (Python), making
it PGP and S/MIME aware, see
Cocoon for Debian & Built a Debian package for Cocoon (Java), see
Nagios NRPE & Made an RPM as well as a Solaris package for Nagios
NRPE\@, available from
Postfix for Solaris & Built a Postfix
Solaris package, available from
Subversion RPM & Tweaked the Subversion RPM package, diminishing
dependencies, see
Installer package & For the non-free software from the Dutch Taxoffice,
created an installer Debian package, see
Autoconfiscation & Autoconfiscated various Open Source software packages:
mcl and zoem (both available from \url{http://micans.org/}),
crm114 (available from \url{http://mdcc.cx/crm114/}), and
soci (\url{http://non-gnu.uvt.nl/pub/soci/}).\\
Solaris packaging & Created CSBS, an m4-based set of macro's helping to
create Solaris source packages, see
% xstow rpm
% Python XLRD Debian package & On request of Tilburg University, packaged Python XLRD for Debian http://non-gnu.uvt.nl/debian/etch/python-xlrd/pool/\\
% eekboek
\textbf{Software knowledge}
% System Administration & Solid experience in working with LVM2, XFS, soft- and
Operating Systems & Solid experience in operating UNIX: Debian GNU/Linux
(using this OS as my main platform since 1998), Red Hat
Linux, Ubuntu, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, GNU/Hurd, Sun Solaris,
HP-UX, Tru64 UNIX.\\
Sysadmin & Solid experience in working with LVM, XFS, soft- and
hardware RAID, Xen and KVM, Nagios and Heartbeat.\\
Internet Daemons & Thorough knowledge of MTAs like sendmail, qmail and
Postfix, nameservers like BIND and djbdns and the Apache
webserver; furthermore solid experience in managing mailing
lists (with e.g. Mailman) as well as experience in
installing and managing IMAP servers; experience with the
PostgreSQL and MySQL RDBMS. Solid
experience in deploying email spamtagging with SpamAssassin
and virus\-scanning using AMaViS.\\
Development Tools & Solid experience with GNU automake, autoconf and
libtool, GNU Make and the Subversion, GNU Arch
and git Version Control systems. Solid experience in
building Debian, RPM and MacOSX Fink packages, as well as
in creating customized Linux distributions using Debian
Languages & Solid experience in programming Perl, Python and in
writing Bourne shell scripts; knowledge of writing m4, sed
and awk scripts and of PHP and CGI\@; some experience in
programming in C and C++.\\
Typesetting & Thorough knowledge of SGML\@, DocBook XML and \LaTeX.\\
\textbf{Volunteer Work}
%joostvb@janacopoulos:~% echo wget http://www.ws.afnog.org/afnog2010/pictures/ha/tn/p1170001.med.jpg > joostvb-teaching-at-afnog2010-kigali.jpg.README
%24 to 28 May 2010
%Chris Wilson
%AfNOG-11 and AfriNIC-12: Meetings 23 May-4 June, 2010
%The African Network Operators' Group (AfNOG) and the African Network Information Centre (AfriNIC) are pleased to announce that the 11th AfNOG Meeting and the AfriNIC-12 Meeting would be held in Kigali, Rwanda during May & June 2010.
%AfNOG Workshop on Network Technology - Scalable Internet Services
%The AfNOG Workshop on Network Technology aims to offer advanced training to people who are in the process of developing and enhancing an Internet-connected network with regional and international connectivity. The target audience includes senior and mid-level technical staff of commercial Internet service providers (ISPs), academic networks, government networks, or NGO networks.
%This workshop builds on the experience of previous AfNOG workshops held annually from 2000 to 2009 in ten different African countries, and also the Internet Society's INET workshops, held annually from 1993 to 2000 at eight locations around the world. The workshop's instructors are an international team with many years of experience operating large networks and teaching about network operations.
%The workshop is divided into four parallel tracks:
% SS-E - Scalable Internet Services (in English), focused on the design and operation of email, web, and other Internet services, in ways that can scale to handle large numbers of end users.
Nov 2000 -- current & Active as developer for the Debian project: packager
of various softwares for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution
(see \url{http://mdcc.cx/software#sw}), promoting the
project on conferences, mentoring prospective Debian
Nov 2000 -- current & System administration of some colocated DNS, email and
web servers.\\
Nov 2001 -- current & Founded the Eindhoven Open Source Interest Group, enosig
(\url{http://enosig.org/}). Actively involved in this
Dec 2001 -- current & Maintenance of software packages for system management.
See \url{http://mdcc.cx/software#sw}.\\
2002, 2006, 2007 & Member of the board of the association Centraal Wonen
Feb 2003 -- May 2007 & Administering the \url{http://www.logreport.org/}
colocated server.\\
Sep 2003 -- Dec 2004 & Member of the board (chairman) of the LogReport
Oct 2003 & Installed and configured the
\url{http://www.vrijschrift.org/} colocated server,
recruited volunteers to take over the work.\\
Mar 2005 -- current & Organising PGP Keysigning Parties at FOSDEM and various
other events.\\
May 2005 & With a small team, organised Software Freedom Day event
at TOSti Tilburg: invited various speakers on Open Source.\\
Apr 2006 -- current & Delivering technical presentations at various Open
Source events (see \url{http://mdcc.cx/software/#doc}).\\
May 2010 & Volunteered as a teacher at the AfNOG Workshop on
Network Technology - Scalable Internet Services, part of
the 11th AfNOG Meeting and the AfriNIC-12 Meeting in Kigali,
Joost van Baal-Ili\'c loves music, food, art, and the city of Belgrade, and is
a DJ and author of a vegetarian cookbook. He is married to Jelena
van Baal-Ili\'c. Saving classic computer hardware since 2003. Pugilist since
2007. Practicing yoga since 2009.
% \tiny{\verb^$Id$^}

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@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
% Rezume, a latex resume template for developers
% Author : Nanu Panchamurthy
% Based off of: https://github.com/sb2nov/resume
% License : MIT
% Hope this resume template helps you land an awesome job. If you found this helpful, please consider starring the github repo here, .
\usepackage{verbatim} % reimplements the "verbatim" and "verbatim*" environments
\usepackage{titlesec} % provides an interface to sectioning commands i.e. custom elements
\usepackage{color} % provides both foreground and background color management
\usepackage{enumitem} % provides control over enumerate, itemize and description
\usepackage{fancyhdr} % provides extensive facilities for constructing headers, footers and also controlling their use
\usepackage{tabularx} % defines an environment tabularx, extension of "tabular" with an extra designator x, paragraph like column whose width automatically expands to fill the width of the environment
\usepackage{latexsym} % provides mathematical symbols
\usepackage{marvosym} % provides martin vogel's symbol font which contains various symbols
\usepackage[empty]{fullpage} % sets margins to one inch and removes headers, footers etc..
\usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} % removes color and shadow of hyperlinks
\usepackage[normalem]{ulem} % provides "\ul" (uline) command which will break at line breaks
\usepackage[english]{babel} % provides culturally determined typographical rules for wide range of languages
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\pdfgentounicode=1 % ensures pdfs generated are ats readable
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\usepackage[default]{sourcesanspro} % uses the font source sans pro
\urlstyle{same} % changes url font from default urlfont to font being used by the document
%----------MARGIN OPTIONS-----------------
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% origin of the document is one inch from the top and from and the left
% oddsidemargin and evensidemargin both refer to the left margin
% right margin is indirectly set using oddsidemargin
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\raggedright{} % makes all pages the width of current page, no extra horizontal space added
%--------SECTIONING COMMANDS---------
% \titleformat{<command>}
% [<shape>]{<format>}{<label>}{<sep>}
% {<before-code>}[<after-code>]
% command is the sectioning command to be redefined
% shape is the style of the font; scshape stands for small caps style
% format is the format to be applied to whole title- label and text; absent here
% label defines the label
% sep is the horizontal separation between label and title body
% before-code is the code to be executed before
% after-code is the code to be executed after
% redefines the style of the bullet point
% redefines the underline depth to 2pt
%--------CUSTOM COMMANDS--------------
%\vspace{} defines a vertical space of given size, modifying this in custom commands can help stretch or shrink resume to remove or add content
% resumeItem renders a bullet point
% commands to start and end itemization of resumeItem, rightmargin set to 0.11in to avoid the overflow of resumetItem beyond whatever resumeItemHeading is being used
% resumeSectionType renders a bolded type to be used under a section, used as skill type here, middle element is used to keep ":"s in the same vertical line
\textbf{#1} & #2 & #3
% resumeTrioHeading renders three elements in three columns with second element being italicized and first element bolded, can be used for projects with three elements
\textbf{#1} & \textit{#2} & #3
% resumeQuadHeading renders four elements in a two columns with the second row being italicized and first element of first row bolded, can be used for experience and projects with four elements
\textbf{#1} & #2 \\
\textit{\small#3} & \textit{\small #4} \\
% resumeQuadHeadingChild renders the second row of resumeQuadHeading, can be used for experience if different roles in the same company need to added
\textbf{\small#1} & {\small#2} \\
% commands to start and end itemization of resumeQuadHeading, lefmargin for left indent of 0.15in for resumeItems
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]
% You can rearrange sections in any order you may prefer
%-----------CONTACT DETAILS------------------
% Make sure all the details are correct, you can add more links in the first row of second column if needed
\textbf{\Huge Jane Doe \vspace{2pt}} & % row = 1, col = 1
Location: Anycity, Anystate, Anycountry \\ % row = 1, col = 2
\href{https://jane-doe.com}{\uline{jane-doe.com}} $|$ % row = 2, col = 1
\href{https://linkedin.com/in/jane-doe}{\uline{LinkedIn}} $|$ % row = 2, col = 1
\href{https://github.com/jane-doe}{\uline{GitHub}} $|$ % row = 2, col = 1
\href{https://leetcode.com/jane-doe}{\uline{Leetcode}} & % row = 2, col = 1
Email: \href{mailto:jane.doe@anymail.com}{\uline{jane.doe@anymail.com}} $|$ % row = 2, col = 2
Mobile: 5555555555 \\ % row = 2, col = 2
% Keep this short, simple and straigth to point
\section{Full Stack Developer}
I am a highly skilled web developer with over \textbf{3 years of experience} in \textbf{HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP}. I have knowledge of popular frameworks such as \textbf{React, Angular, and Vue.js} and experience with REST APIs and MVC frameworks.
% Add or remove resumeSectionTypes according to your needs
\section{Technical Skills}
\resumeSectionType{Languages}{:}{JavaScript, PHP, Java, HTML, CSS}
\resumeSectionType{Frameworks}{:}{React.js, Angular, Express, Node.js}
\resumeSectionType{Libraries}{:}{Material, Redux, React Router}
\resumeSectionType{Databases}{:}{MongoDB, PostgreSQL}
\resumeSectionType{Dev Tools}{:}{Visual Studio Code, Git, Gitlab}
% Distill all your talking points to small bullet points which follow the pattern "challenge-action-result" for maximum efficiency. Try to quantify (use numbers) your points whenver possible, highlist words of importance
\resumeQuadHeading{Web Developer}{Apr 2022 -- Present}
{Anycompany}{Remote -- AnyCity, Anystate, Anycountry}
\resumeItem{Designed and developed dynamic and responsive websites using \textbf{HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP}}
\resumeItem{Worked with \textbf{REST APIs} to retrieve and display data from databases}
\resumeItem{Improved \textbf{website performance} and speed through optimization techniques by \textbf{55\%}}
\resumeQuadHeading{Backend Developer}{Aug 2021 -- Nov 2022}
{Anycompany}{Anycity, Anystate, Anycountry}
\resumeItem{Worked with \textbf{MVC frameworks} to develop robust and scalable backends}
\resumeItem{Troubleshot and \textbf{fixed bugs} and issues in the backend to ensure \textbf{smooth operation} of the applications}
\resumeQuadHeadingChild{Backend Developer Intern}{Jan 2021 -- Aug 2021}
\resumeItem{Assisted senior web developers in the design and development of websites using \textbf{HTML, CSS, and JavaScript}}
% Mention your CGPA, if its good, in the first row of second column
\resumeQuadHeading{University of Anystate}{Anycity, Anystate, Anycountry}
{Bachelor of Science in Computer Science}{Jan 2016 -- Dec 2020}
% Use resumeQuadHeading if four elements are feasible (ex: demo video link), else use resumeTrioHeading. Keep the bullet points simple and concise and try to cover wide variety of skills you have used to build these projects
\resumeTrioHeading{\href{https://project1.com}{\uline{Project 1}}}{React.js, Redux, PHP, MySQL Git}{\href{https://proect1.com/source-code/}{\uline{Source Code}}}
\resumeItem{Designed and developed a clean and modern website using \textbf{HTML, CSS, and JavaScript}}
\resumeItem{Optimized website for \textbf{speed and user experience}}
\resumeItem{Utilized \textbf{responsive design} to ensure compatibility across all devices}
\resumeItem{Deployed on GitHub pages via GitHub Actions}
\resumeTrioHeading{Project 2}{Node.js, Express, JavaScript, Git}{\href{https:project2.com/source-code}{\uline{Source Code}}}
\resumeItem{A \textbf{CRUD application} exposed using a RESTful API made with Node.js}
\resumeItem{Exposed POST, GET, PATCH and DELETE HTTP methods using \textbf{Express}}
% You can add your acheivements, accolades, certifications etc. here.
\resumeItem{\href{https://dummy-certification.com}{\uline{Certified Web Developer by the W3C}}}
\resumeItem{\href{https://dummy-certification.com}{\uline{Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate}}}
\resumeItem{\href{https://dummy-certification.com}{\uline{AWS Certified Developer - Associate}}}