Another snippet

This commit is contained in:
Nox Sluijtman 2024-03-29 18:51:53 +01:00
parent 7dab7ab485
commit 01987decf8
4 changed files with 98 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ I think I'll let this largely be a collection of story snippets. Though I have t
# Things on this server.
=> stories.gmi a list of those stories
=> venom.gmi some venomous rants
I also happen to host two music streams on this machine. Usually, both of them are up.
=> Icecast interface

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# Duel
And then it all came crashing down. Their whole life. Wren had spent an unimaginable amount of time working their dream, only to have it snatched away at the last moment. Their quickened perception forced them to bear witness to the bullet exiting his rapidly-collapsing skull. After what felt like an eternity, what was left of his head sank forward as blood and brain matter began to pour out through the sides. Instinct kicked in as they saw the red dot race to their head next. With one quick motion, they kicked over the solid metal table next to them while diving behind it. A loud clang followed as the bullet dug into the table, only to ricochet into the ceiling. The table nearly fell on its legs again, only be held upright by Wren.
Wren started frantically digging in their coat.
"Why did you have to die at this moment!"
A speed loader emerged from a pocket.
"You bastard! We were so close!"
A high caliber revolver emerged from a concealed holster. Wren poked their head out from the side of the table, only to have it be immediately answered by a muzzle flash from the building next to them. With an artificial jolt of adrenaline, they managed to pull their head back in just in time. The bullet hit the wooden floor, causing the panel to explode. Splinters shot out in all directions, some embedding themselves into the side of Wren's face, who was too high on adrenaline to feel any pain.
"At least I know where you are..."
With a few swift, deeply ingrained motions, the revolver was now loaded. Wren stuck their hand in their pocket again, exchanging the empty speed loader for a storm lighter.
"Lets see how how trigger happy you are..."
They ignited the lighter, moved over to the other side of the table and took a deep breath.
"Couldn't you have done anything?" They yelled at the now-slouched-over corpse of Briar.
They threw the lighter behind them, away from the table. A bullet hit the lighter before the sound of the rifle could reach Wren's ears. When it did, they jolted out from the other side of the table while aiming the revolver. As the red dot started to readjust to Wren's position, they returned fire. The first bullet missed, hitting an adjacent window. The red dot shot upwards in panic. The second bullet was answered by a soft thud from the shattered windows.
The silence that followed was deafening. The synthetic rain was all that could be heard now.

View file

@ -18,6 +18,24 @@
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"repo": "flake-utils",
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"locked": {
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@ -37,7 +55,8 @@
"root": {
"inputs": {
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"nixpkgs": "nixpkgs"
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@ -54,6 +73,42 @@
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View file

@ -2,17 +2,29 @@
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
twin = {
url = "git+";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils}:
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, twin }:
flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
let pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
in {
packages = {
antimatter = pkgs.stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "antigem";
version = "0.1";
version = "0.2";
src = ./antimattercloud;
nativeBuildInputs = [
buildPhase = ''
twin -d story-snippets -t Stories -nb '/' > stories.gmi
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/share/${pname}
cp -r . $out/share/${pname}